Hi there.
My friend Emma is doing this neat project where she reads a screenplay and then blogs about it.
Also, I'm not a very creative person.
So I'm doing a neat project where I read a screenplay and then blog about it!
A lot of our screenplays might overlap so that Emma and I can discuss them together, but we're not reading them together or writing them together, so our posts will still be original and reflect our personal opinions/reactions.
Here goes!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT: I should probably tell you my background with screenplays:
Just so you know exactly how much experience I don't have with screenplays in an academic/professional setting. I have read Brian McDonald's Invisible Ink, and I took a course called "Introduction to Film Analysis and Visual Culture".
So yeah, this is me dipping my toe into the seemingly placid but actually broiling lake of Screenplays.