Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Screenplay Eight: Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day (1992)
Danny Rubin
Click for screenplay.
PHIL: ...I'm telling you, I'm immortal... I've been run over, drowned, crushed, stabbed, shot, electrocuted, poisoned, frozen, burned, and asphyxiated - 
WAITER: The special today is blueberry waffles.
RITA: Why are you telling me this?
WAITER (shrugs): Because some people like blueberry waffles.


Many people are astounded that I've gotten this far in life without having seen Groundhog Day, given my penchant for films that play with narrative and offer potential insights into the human psyche. After seeing Being John Malkovich (a film praised for similar qualities) and finding it to be over-hyped and *cough-cough* mediocre at best, I've never felt the urge to watch Groundhog Day. Today, I cheated my way out of that film-buff requirement by reading the screenplay instead.

While I can't say that the screenplay inspired me to watch the film, I can say that it was better than I expected. This might possibly be due to expectations based on my incorrect assumption that Jim Carrey, not Bill Murray played the lead role. (I know that is an embarrassing admission, but you'll have to forgive me.) As I haven't liked any of Carrey's films, I was intrigued as I read the script and imagined him delivering the lines. Oops. Just know that I went through this entire screenplay with the understanding that Phil Connors was, in fact, Jim Carrey.